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Analyse des Correspondances
Chaînes de Markov
Classification (Cluster Analysis)
Contextes élémentaires
Corpus et Sous-ensembles
Document Primaire
Graph Maker
Index d'Association
Lexie et Lexicalization
Mots et Lemmes
Naïve Bayes
Noyaux Thématiques
Occurrences et Cooccurrences
Polarités Factorielles
Seuil de Fréquence
Stop Word List
Tableaux de Données
Unité d'Analyse
Unité de Contexte
Unité Lexicale
Variables et Modalités

Main Bibliographie

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Blei D.M. (2012) Introduction to Probabilistic Topic Models, Communications of the ACM, Volume 55 Issue 4, April 2012 Pages 77-84
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Fernández A., Gómez S. (2008) Solving Non-uniqueness in Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Using Multidendrograms, Journal of Classification, 25: 43-65
Greenacre M.J. (1984) Theory and Applications of Correspondance Analysis, New York, Academic Press
Greimas A.J. (1966) Sémantique structurale, Paris, Larousse
Guiraud P. (1960) Problèmes et méthodes de la statistique linguistique. Dordrecht, Reidel
Herdan, G. (1960) Quantitative Linguistics. London, Butterworth
Kohonen T. (1989) Self-Organization and Associative Memory, Berlin, Springer-Verlag
Krippendorff K. (1980) Content Analysis. An Introduction to its Methodology, London, Sage inc.
Lancia F. (2004) Strumenti per l'analisi dei testi. Introduzione all'uso di T-LAB, Milano, FrancoAngeli
Lancia F. (2005) Word co-occurrence and theory of meaning, www.tlab.it
Lancia F. (2012) The Logic of the T-LAB Tools Explained, www.tlab.it
Lebart L. Morineau A. Piron M. (1995) Statistique exploratoire multidimensionnelle, Paris, Dunod
Lebart L. Salem A. (1994) Statistique textuelle, Paris, Dunod
Maranda P. (1990) DisCan: User's Manual, Québec, Nadeau Caron Informatique
Marwan N., Romano M., Thiel M. & Kurths J. (2007) Recurrence Plots for the Analysis of Complex Systems, Phys. Rep. 438, 240-329
Michelet B. (1988) L'analyse des associations, Thèse de doctorat, Université Paris VII, Paris
Miller M.M. Riechert B.P. (1994) Identifying Themes via Concept Mapping: A New Method of Content Analysis, Paper presented at the Communication Theory and Methology Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Meeting, Atlanta
Pottier B. (1974) Linguistique générale, théorie et description, Paris, Klincksieck
Rastier F. (1987) Sémantique interprétative, Paris, PUF
Rastier F., Cavazza M., Abeillé A. (2002) Semantics for Descriptions, Stanford, CSLI
Salton G. (1989) Automatic text processing: the transformation, analysis, and retrieval of Information by Computer, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachussets
Saussure (de) F. (1916) Cours de Linguistique générale, Lusanne-Paris, Payot
Savaresi S.M., Boley D.L.(2001) On the performance of bisecting K-means and PDDP, 1st SIAM Conference on DATA MINING, Chicago, IL, USA, April 5-7, paper n.5, pp.1-14
Savaresi S.M., Boley D.L.(2004) A Comparative Analysis on the Bisecting k-means and the PDDP Clustering Algorithms, International Journal on Intelligent Data Analysis, 8(4): 345-362
Steinbach, M., Karypis G., Kumar V. (2000) A comparison of Document Clustering Techniques. Proceedings of World Text Mining Conference, KDD2000, Boston
Steyvers M., Griffiths T. (2007) Probabilistic Topic Models. In Landauer, T.; McNamara, D; Dennis, S.; et al. Handbook of Latent Semantic Analysis, Mahwak, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum
van der Maaten L.J.P., & G.E. Hinton (2008) Visualizing High-Dimensional Data Using t-SNE. Journal of Machine Learning Research 9(Nov):2579-2605, 2008
Webber C. L., & Zbilut J. P. (2005) Recurrence Quantification Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. In M. Riley, & G. Van Orden (Eds.), Tutorials in Contemporary Nonlinear Methods for the Behavioral Sciences (pp. 26-94)