Lexie and
According to Pottier (see Bibliography), the lexie is an expression consisting in one or more
words which behave as single lexical unit.
There are three main types: simple,
which corresponds to the word in its most common meaning (e.g..
"horse", "eating"); compound, consisting in two or more words
integrated in one single form (es. "biotechnology", "videoplayer");
complex, consisting in a sequence of words subject to
lexicalization (e.g.. "in my opinion", "chamber of
Lexicalization is the linguistic process through
which a syntagm (a sequence of words) becomes a lexical unit or
behaves as such.
In T-LAB the Multiwords
List option allows the user to produce a list of the complex
lexies present in the corpus and to proceed with their
transformation into unit strings (lexicalization).