Isotopy (iso = same; topos = place) refers to a
meaning conception as a "contextual effect", that is something that
does not belong to words considered one by one, but as a result of
their relationships within texts or speeches.
The Isotopies function help in understanding
speeches (or texts); in fact, each of the isotopies detects a
reference context shared among a number of words, which however
does not result from their specific meanings. That is because the
whole is something different from the summation of its
Isotopy detection, therefore, is not a simple
"fact" observation, but the result of an interpretation process (F.
Rastier 1987).
It was first proposed by the
semiologist A.J. Greimas (1966) to define the recurrence, within
syntagmatic units (sentences or texts), of words with the same
semantic traits.
In T-LAB logic, the detection of isotopes derives
from the analysis of occurrence and co-occurrence