T-LAB Plus 2015

T-LAB Plus 2016
22 April 2016

T-LAB Plus 2015

T-LAB Plus 2015

was released on September 14th 2015

T-LAB Plus is a new software product which results from re-engineering the latest version of T-LAB 9.1 and paves the way for further developments.

Below is a short table which summarizes the key improvements:

- Chinese, Japanese and a few other languages often have no delimiters (i.e. blank spaces and/or punctuation marks) between words. When this is the case, before importing any text with T-LAB Plus, the user will need to perform a text segmentation first, by using other software which are usually available for free and they are different for each language (see http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/segmenter.shtml).

- The two versions of T-LAB use two different database engines; consequently, the analysis projects carried out with T-LAB 9.1 cannot be directly imported into T-LAB Plus (and viceversa).

Among a great deal of new features, below is a short list of the most important:

  • A new powerful and very flexible tool named Text Screening allows the user to easily edit any corpus, create word lists, check customizable n-grams and/or word environments (i.e. word spans), as well as import/use customized multiword lists;
  • When importing a corpus in a language for which - at the moment - T-LAB Plus doesn't provide the automatic lemmatization (i.e. a language different from English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish), the users are allowed to select/use stop word lists in twenty five languages and such lists, like the key-word lists and the multiword lists can be easily customized;
  • All tools for managing key-word list, for customizing dictionaries and for generating concordances (i.e. key-word-in-context outputs) are now integrated with each other and much easier to use;
  • Many new options are available by right-clicking on the tables;
  • Several analysis tools allow the user to create new dendrograms showing similarity relationships between key-words;
  • Several analysis tools allow the user to map the relationships between main themes either by using the MDS (i.e. Multidimensional Scaling) or the Correspondence Analysis method;
  • All tools for Correspondence Analysis include a button which allows the user to perform a Cluster Analysis with different methods;
  • The algorithms for automatic lemmatization and key-word selection have been improved;

Here are some screenshots to allow you to better appreciate some new features of T-LAB Plus.

1- Three outputs obtained by analyzing Chinese, Russian and Arabic texts respectively:


2 - Using the Text Screening tool:


3 - Working with Stop-Word lists different from those available for the six languages which T-LAB can treat by automatic lemmatization (i.e. English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish)

4 - The integrated tools for key-word selection and dictionary building


5 - New options with right-click


6- New dendrogram options


7- Mapping themes/topics


8 - From Correspondence Analysis to Cluster Analysis


9 - New layout of the T-LAB tools (e.g. Specificity Analysis)


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