This section is dedicated to T-LAB related publications.
If you would like to add your papers or references, please contact
Abate, R., Rogier, G. (2023),Natural environment and its psychological effects: Exploring individuals’ narratives,Rivista di Psicologia Clinica, no. 1, 2023
Accordini M., & Saita, E. (2018), The professional identity of juridical–educational professionals in prison, The Journal of New Paradigm Research, Volume 74, 2018 - Issue 6
Accordini M., Saita E., Irtelli F., Buratti M., Savuto G. (2017), Stories of change: the text analysis of handovers in an Italian psychiatric residential care home, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, vol. 24 no. 4, May 2017, pp. 232-242
Agrillo G. (2015), Consumer Brand Engagement nei contesti digitali. Un'analisi empirica del brand engagement di Telecom Italia Mobile, Doctoral Thesis, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Alawadh H.M., Alabrah A., Meraj T., Tayyab Rauf H. (2022),Semantic Features-Based Discourse Analysis Using Deceptive and Real Text Reviews,Information, Vol. 14, no. 1, 2022
Alvaro1 D., Marini B., Bassanelli C., et al. (2018), Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC): The emotional perception of the disease journey from a patient's perspective, Digestive and Liver Disease, Volume 50, Issue 1, Supplement, February 2018, Page 57
Anstead N. (2017), The idea of austerity in British politics, 2003-13,Political Studies. ISSN 0032-3217
Assefa S. G., Rorissa A. (2013), A Bibliometric mapping of the structure of STEM Education using Co-Word Analysis, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, vol. 64 no. 12, , December 2013, pp. 2513-2536
Bagnoli C., Redigolo G. (2016), Business model in IPO prospectuses: insights from Italian Innovation Companies, Journal of Management & Governance, vol. 20 no. 2, June 2016, pp. 261-294
Baldassarre M. (2010), Imparare a insegnare. La pratica riflessiva nella professione docente, Roma, Carocci
Balzano R., Sepio D., Guidi M., Puro V., Girardi E., Orchi N. (2009), Representation of HIV/Aids and mental health co-morbidity in medical and social sciences literature vol. 24 Supplement 1, January 2009
Banaji S.,Mejias Sam.,et al. (2017), Citizenship’s tangled web: Associations, gaps and tensions in formulations of European youth active citizenship across disciplines, European Journal of Developmental Psychology,Published online: 31 Aug 2017
Barello S., Graffigna G., Vegni E., Bosio C. (2014), The Challenges of Conceptualizing Patient Engagement in Health Care: A Lexicographic Literature Review, Journal of Partecipatory Medicine, vol. 6, June 2014
Barello S., Guida E., Bonanomi A., Menichetti J., Leone S., Previtali E., Graffiglia G. (2020),WE-CARE IBD SCORE: Assessing High-quality Care From the Perspective of Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease,Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, Volume 15, Issue 3, March 2021, pp. 349–357
Barello S., Leone D., Danese S., Vegni E. (2014), Inflammatory bowel diseases and psychological issues: A new approach for a systematic analysis of the academic debate, Psychology, Health & Medicine, vol. 19 no. 5, October 2014, pp. 559-71
Barello S., Menichetti D.J.P., Graffigna G. (2016),Technologies for Participatory Wellbeing: a Consumer Health Analysis of the Ongoing Scientific Debate,in Villani Daniel, V. D., Gaggioli Andre, G. A., Riva Giusepp, R. G. (ed.), Integrating Technology in Positive Psychology Practice, IGI Global, Chicago 2016: 59- 80
Barredo, D., Lizárraga Salas, F., & Peraza Noriega, B. E. (2021),Migración y coronavirus en Estados Unidos y México: Una propuesta de modelado de tópicos a partir de cuatro cibermedios de habla hispana,En D. Barredo Ibáñez, I. Puentes Rivera, & J. Rúas Araújo (Eds.), Periodismo, comunicación y servicio público (pp. 41-73).
Bellini, S., Zerbini, C., Vergura, D. T., Luceri, B. (2023),New shopping behaviour in a changing environment,Sinergie - Italian journal of management, Vol. 41 No. 1: Service-mix: new channels and consumption patterns in services, pp. 85-106,2023
Ben Yajia, K. (2023),Reflections on the Preservation of Tunisian Cultural Heritage in a Post-crisis Context: Between Digitalization and Innovative Promotional Techniques,Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture, 2023
Benevene P., Cortini M. (2010) ,Human resource strategic management in NPOs: An explorative study on managers' psychosocial training,Journal of Workplace Learning, vol. 22 no. 8, pp. 508-521
Benevene P., Kong E., De Carlo A., Lucchesi, M. & Cortini M.(2018) ,A qualitative study on the perception of intellectual capital among a group of senior managers of Italian social enterprises,Knowledge Management Research & Practice, Published online: 26 Oct 2018
Benigno V., Fante C. (2020),Hospital School Teachers’ Sense of Stress and Gratification: An Investigation of the Italian Context,Continuity in Education, 1(1), 2020
Benites Lazaro, L.L., Bellezoni, R.A., Puppim de Oliveira, A., Jacobi, P.R., Luiz Giatti, L. (2022),Ten Years of Research on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: An Analysis of Topics Evolution,Frontiers in Water, Water and Human Systems, Vol. 4, 2022
Benites-Lazaro L.L., Giatti L., Giarolla A. (2018), Sustainability and governance of sugarcane ethanol companies in Brazil: Topic modeling analysis of CSR reporting,Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 197, Part 1, 1 October 2018, Pages 583-591
Benites-Lazaro L.L., Giattia L. L., Sousa Junior W.C., Giarolla A. (2020),Land-water-food nexus of biofuels: Discourse and policy debates in Brazil,"Environmental Development, Volume 33, March 2020, 100491
Benites-Lazaro L.L., Mello Théry N.A. (2017), CSR as a legitimatizing tool in carbon market: Evidence from Latin America’s Clean Development Mechanism, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 149, April 2017, pp. 218-226
Benites-Lazaro L.L., Mello Théry N.A., Lahsena M. (2017) ,Business storytelling about energy and climate change: The case of Brazil’s ethanol industry,Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 31, September 2017, Pages 77-85
Benites-Lazaro L.L., Monteiro de Carvalho C., Giatti L.L. (2020),The conceptual basis of water-energy-food nexus governance: systematic literature review using network and discourse analysis,Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 2020
Benites-Lazaro, L.L., & Andrade, C. (2019), Clean Development Mechanism: Key Lessons and Challenges in Mitigating Climate Change and Achieving Sustainable Development , Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, 2019
Benites-Lazaro, L.L., & Mello-Théry, N.A. (2018), Empowering communities? Local stakeholders’ participation in the Clean Development Mechanism in Latin America, World Development, Volume 114, February 2019, Pages 254-266
Berni R., Nikiforova N.D., Ranfagni S. (2020), An integrated approach to estimate brand association matching and strength in virtual settings, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, Volume 11, 2020 - Issue 2
Berné-Martínez J.M., Ortigosa-Blanch A., Planells-Artigot E. (2021),A semantic analysis of crowdfunding in the digital press,Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 173, December 2021
Berné-Martínez, J.M., Planells-Artigot, E., Ortigosa-Blanch, A. (2023),The discussion of crowdfunding policies among policymakers,Journal of Business Research, Vol. 156, 2023
Biraghi S., Gambetti R.C. (2015), Corporate branding: Where are we? A systematic communication-based inquiry, Journal of Marketing Communications, vol. 21 no. 4
Bisogni F., & Pirrotta S. (2018), Research-intervention for the development of organizational competence in a sociosanitary service for adults with disability and their familiy members, Rivista di Psicologia Clinica 1 (2018)
Bisogni F., Dolcetti F., Pirrotta S. (2021),Emotional textual analysis as a semiotic action–research method to work with emotions within organisations,Organisational and Social Dynamics, Volume 21, Number 1, June 2021, pp. 152-170
Bloom M., Camerani R., Casadei P., Masucci M., Siepel J., Jorge Velez-Ospina J. (2020),Evolution and trends of creative cluster research: A systematic literature review and future research agenda,Creative Industries, Policy & Evidence Centre
Boccia Artieri G., Greco F. , La Rocca F. (2021),The construction of the meanings of #coronavirus on Twitter: An analysis of the initial reactions of the Italian people,International Review of Sociology, Volume 31, 2021 - Issue 2, 2021
Boräng F., Eising R., Klüver H., Mahoney C., Naurin D., Rasch D., Rozbicka P. (2014), Identifying frames: A comparison of research methods, Interest Groups & Advocacy , vol. 3, pp. 188-201
Borcsa M., Willig C. (2021),Qualitative Research Methods in Mental Health - Innovative and Collaborative Approaches,Springer International Publishing, 2021
Bosoni M.L., & Mazzucchelli, S. (2018), The invisible gap between public policy and company practices in supporting fatherhood: the Italian case, Community, Work & Family, Volume 21, 2018 - Issue 2
Bosoni M.L., Mazzucchelli S. (2019),Generations Comparison: Father Role Representations in the 1980s and the New Millenium,Genealogy 2019, no. 3, 71-88
Bosoni, M.L. (2022),Children's services and the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy: A study with educators and parents,Children & Society, Volume 38, Isue 1, January 2024, pp 159-175
Boyce N. (2015), A comparative study of representations of the deployment of human rights by NGOs in West Bengal and London : a focus on agency and women's human rights, Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey
Brondi S., Pellegrini G., Guran P., Fero M., Rubin A. (2021),Dimensions of trust in different forms of science communication: the role of information sources and channels used to acquire science knowledge,
Browning S.W., Accordini M., Gennari M., Cigoli V.(2010), How Therapists view Stepfamilies: an Analysis of Italian Clinicians' Representations, in Close Relationships and Community Psychology: an International Perspective, in Cigoli V., Gennari M. (eds.), Close relationships and community psychology: An international perspective, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2010, pp. 15-33
Bruno A., Galuppo L., Gilardi S. (2011), Evaluating the reflexive practices in a learning experience, European Journal of Psychology of Education, vol. 26 no. 4, pp. 527-543
Bruno A., Kaneklin C., Scarlatti G. (eds.) (2005), I processi di generazione della conoscenza nei contesti organizzativi e di lavoro, Milano, Vita e Pensiero
Bucci F. et al. (2021) ,Bringing Mental Health Back into the Dynamics of Social Coexistence: Emotional Textual Analysis,In: Borcsa M., Willig C. (eds) Qualitative Research Methods in Mental Health. Springer, Cham.
Bucci F., Giuliano S., Falanga R., Giornetti A. (2020),Myths and resources of mobility in Europe: A research on the cultural meaning of mobility in a group of Italian citizens residing abroad,Rivista di Psicologia Clinica, Vol 15, No 1 (2020)
Bucci F., Romelli K., Vanheule S. (2022),Lacanian discourse analysis and emotional textual analysis compared: New proposals on articulating psychoanalysis and psychosocial studies,Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, Vol. 27, 2022, 163–180
Businaro N., Pons F., Albanese O. (2015), Do Intelligence, Intensity of Felt Emotions and Emotional Regulation Have an Impact on Life Satisfaction? A Quali-quantitative Study on Subjective Wellbeing with Italian Children Aged 8-11, Child Indicators Research, vol. 8 no. 2, pp. 439-458
Calabrese G., Mastroberardino P. (2016), Internationalization of Family Business in High-Range Italian Wine. The Perspective of Some Italian Key Players. ", International Marketing Trend Conference 2016, Venice, January 21st-23rd 2016"
Capone V., Petrillo G. (2013), Health Promotion in International Documents: Strengths and Weaknesses from the Perspective of Community Empowerment, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, vol. 23 no. 2, March/April 2013. pp. 98-114,
Caputo A. (2013), Cultural Models Shaping Stalking From a Content Analysis of Italian Newspapers, Europe's Journal of Psychology, 2013, vol. 9 no. 3
Caputo A. (2014), The Social Construction of Envy in Scientific Community: An Analysis of Scholarly Psychological Publications, Studia Psychologica, vol. 56 no. 2, pp. 109-125
Caputo A. (2014), I modelli culturali nel discorso sul cybersex: analisi di un corpus di articoli di giornale , Psicologia della salute, vol. 1, pp. 5-28
Caputo A. (2014), Exploring quality of life in Italian patients with rare disease: a computer-aided content analysis of illness stories, Psychology, Health & Medicine, vol. 19 no. 2, pp. 211-221
Caputo A. (2015), Sharing problem gamblers' experiences: a text analysis of gambling stories via online forum , Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology, vol. 3 no. 1
Caputo A. (2015), Trends of psychology-related research on euthanasia: a qualitative software-based thematic analysis of journal abstracts, Psychology, Health & Medicine, vol. 20 no. 7, pp. 858-869
Caputo A. (2020),Telling a Complicated Grief: A Psychodynamic Study on Mental Health Nurses’ Countertransference Reactions to Patients’ Suicidal Behavior,Archives of Suicide Research
Caputo A., Giacchetta A., Langher V. (2016), AIDS as social construction: text mining of AIDS-related information in the Italian press , AIDS Care, Volume 28, 2016 - Issue 9, pages 1171-1176
Caputo A., Rastelli V. (2014), School improvement plans and student achievement: Preliminary evidence from the Quality and Merit Project in Italy, Improving Schools, vol. 17 no. 1, pp. 72-88
Carbone A., Di Napoli I., Procentese F, Arcidiacono C. (2021) ,Close family bonds and community distrust. The complex emotional experience of a young generation from southern Italy,Journal of Youth Studies, 10 Jun 2021
Carlino M., Lanzillo R., Chiodi A., Vitelli R., Lavorgna L., et al. (2020),Multiple Sclerosis and Maternity: A Psychological Explorative Qualitative Research,The Qualitative Report; Fort Lauderdale Vol. 25, Fasc. 5, (May 2020): 1279-1292.
Carpinelli L., De Caro F., Savarese G., Capunzo M., Mollo M., Moccia G. (2021),Emotions and Motivations Underlying Adherence to the Anti-COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign: A Survey on a Sample of Italians under 30 Years,Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19(1), 77
Carpinelli, L., Marinaci, T., Savarese, G. (2022),Caring for Daughters with Anorexia Nervosa: A Qualitative Study on Parents’ Representation of the Problem and Management of the Disorder,Healthcare, Vol. 10, no. 7, 2022
Casadei P. & Lee N. (2020), Global cities, creative industries and their representation on social media: a micro-data analysis of twitter data on the fashion industry , Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, January 24, 2020
Casadei P., Bloom M., Camerani R., Masucci M. (2023),Mapping the state of the art of creative cluster research: a bibliometric and thematic analysis,European Planning Studies, 2023
Casanova, G., Fernández-Salido, M., Moreno-Castro, C. (2023),The Risk of Household Socioeconomic Deprivation Related to Older Long-Term Care Needs: A Qualitative Exploratory Study in Italy and Spain,Sustainability, Vol. 15, No. 12,2023
Castelló-Sirvent, F. (2022),Environmental and socio-technical transitions in IBEX 35 companies: fsQCA analysis of the media representation of innovation and sustainability,International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, Vol. 17, no. 1-2, 2022
Castiglioni C., Lozza E., Anselmi P. & Rossi R.(2019), Assessing social impact in the field of sustainable tourism development: Evidence from Cabo Delgado (MZ) , Development Southern Africa 2019
Cattaneo T., Giorgi E., Ni M., Manzoni G.D.(2016), Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in the EU and China: A Common Strategy for Architectural Design, Research Practice and Decision-Making , Buildings 2016, 6(4), 42; doi:10.3390/buildings6040042
Cecchini C., Guidi E., Meringolo P. (2020),Evaluating activities in Service-Learning,Piscologia di Comunità, 1, 2020, pp. 46-74
Cervantes-Zacarés, D., Martí-Sánchez, M., Pascual-Soler, M., Berné-Martinez, J.M.(2023),The relevance of crowdfunding in the entrepreneurial framework from a specialized media perspective,Journal of Business Research, Vol. 158, 2023
Cestari, A.F., Lazaro, L.L.B., Bizzotto, L.M., Giatti, L.L. (2024),Winds of Justice? Challenging and Promoting Women’s Social Inclusion in Northern Brazil Through Wind Energy Projects,In: Lazaro, L.L.B., Neiva, S.d.A., Serrani, E. (eds) Energy Poverty, Justice and Gender in Latin America. Springer
Charlotte Habbel, L , Barredo Ibáñez, D. (2022),La influencia de la agenda presidencial en los medios de comunicación durante el conflicto armado de Colombia. El caso del "collar-bomba" en El Tiempo (2000-2019),Araucaria, Vol. 24, Nº 51, 2022
Ching-wah C. (2012), A study on media discourse on nuclear energy in China, The University of Hong Kong - The HKU Scholars Hub, 2012
Cicognani E., Mancini T., Nicoli M.A. (2007), Criteria for the allocation of medical resources: citizens' perspectives, Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, vol. 12 no. 1, January 2007, pp. 13-34
Cipriani R. (2020),L'incerta fede. Un’indagine quanti-qualitativa in Italia,Milano, Franco Angeli
Cipriani R., Faggiano M.P., Piccini M.P. (2020), La religione dei valori diffusi. Intervista qualitativa e approccio misto di analisi, Milano, Franco Angeli
Cipriani, R. (2023),Uncertain faith: A multi-method approach,Social Compass, 70(4), 619-642
Cordella B., Greco F., Grasso M. (2009), Influence of professional training culture on the rehabilitation process, A.P.P.A.C. Archives, vol. 18 no. 4, pp. 19-22
Cordella B., Romano F., Beccarini C. (2009), La psicoterapia dal punto di vista dei clienti, Scritti di Gruppo, vol. 2, pp. 25-45
Cordella B., Romano F., Beccarini C. (2010), La psicoterapia dal punto di vista dei clienti II. L'analisi dei cluster, Scritti di Gruppo, vol. 7, pp. 15-28.
Cordella, B., Miano, A., Pennella, A. R. (2023),Near and far: Representation of online psychotherapy in a group of clients,Rivista di Psicologia Clinica, no. 1, 2023
Cortini M. (2015), Social Representations and Inclusive Practices for Disabled Students in Italian Higher Education: A Mixed-method Analysis of Multiple Perspectives, in Ferrucci F. (eds.) Disability research today. International Perspectives, Routledge, 2015, pp. 185-203
Cortini M., Giordano R., Benevene P., Cervai S., Galanti T., Fantinelli S., Di Fiore S. (2021),How power is pester power? A mix-method study. ,TPM: Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, Mar2021, Vol. 28 Issue 1, pp. 37-46
Cortini M., Tria S. (2014), Triangulating Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches for the Analysis of Textual Materials: An Introduction to T-Lab, Social Science Computer Review, Vol. 32 no. 4, August 2014, pp. 561-568
Cortés-Sánchez J.D., Barredo Ibáñez D. (2020),Content Analysis in Business Digital Media Columns: Evidence From Colombia,Journalism Practice, DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2020.1796762
Cortés-Sánchez J.D., Ibáñez D.B. (2022),Content Analysis in Business Digital Media Columns: Evidence From Colombia,Journalism Practice, 16:1, 218-236
Criollo M., Romero M. (2016), Autoeficacia para el aprendizaje de la investigación en estudiantes universitarios, Psicología Educativa, 2016
Cristante S. (ed.) (2003), Violenza mediata. Il ruolo dell'informazione nel G8 di Genova, Roma, Editori Riuniti
Cuppena E., Peschb U., Remmerswaala S., Taanman M. (2016), Normative diversity, conflict and transition: Shale gas in the Netherlands, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Available online 29 November 2016
D'Andreta M. (2021),The Psychosocial Dimension of Power: An Emotional Analysis of the Discourse on Globalization of the Davos Elite,Globalization of the Davos Elite (May 4, 2021)
D'Andreta, M. (2022),The Psychosocial Dimension of Power: An Emotional Analysis of the Discourse on Globalization of the Davos Elite,Open Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 10, no. 9, August 2022
Daho M. (2021),An exploration of the motive experiences and representations of female care providers working in a perinatal hospice. A pilot qualitative study,Clinical Neuropsychiatry, Feb2021, Vol. 18 Issue 1, pp. 55-64.
De Luca Picione R., Martino M.L. , Freda M.F. (2016), Understanding Cancer Patients’ Narratives: Meaning-Making Process, Temporality, and Modal Articulation , Journal of Constructivist Psychology , 19 Oct 2016, Pages 1-21
De Micheli G., Marton G., Mazzoni D., Vergani L. (2022),Medical Students and Professionals Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study about Similarities and Differences,Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 12, no. 6, 2022
De Rosa A. S., Holman A. (2011), Social representations of female-male beauty and aesthetic surgery: a cross-cultural analysis, Temas em Psicologia, vol.19 no.1, pp. 75-98
De Simone, M., Marone, F., Strollo, M.R. (2023),From Educational Implicit to Critical Awareness: Reflecting on "Cognitive Latency" through Cinematic Narration,INTED2023 Proceedings, 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, March 2023
De Simone, M., Strollo, M. R., Marone, F. (2023),Operational Epistemology: Promoting Awareness of one’s own Cognitive Processes through Metaphorical Language,EDULEARN 2023 Proceedings, 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain
Dell'Agata D. (2022),Communication as Terrorism, Terrorism as Communication. A Thematic Analysis of Islamic State Communication,in Gacho Segumpan, Soraya Abu Zahari, G. (eds), Mixed Methods Perspectives on Communication and Social Media Research, Routledge, 2022
Di Giammaria L., Faggiano M.P. (2017), Big Text Corpora & Mixed Methods – The Roman Five Star Movement Blog, Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique
Di Martino P., Zan R. (2010), ‘Me and maths’: towards a definition of attitude grounded on students' narratives, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, vol. 13 no. 1, pp. 27-48
Di Rienzo, P., Manfreda, A. (2022),Le competenze di cittadinanza dei volontari del Servizio Civile Universale. Uno studio empirico,Educational, Cultural and Psycological Studies, Vol. 25, 2022
Di Stefano A.(2011), Un paese (dis)unito. Le celebrazioni dell'unificazione nella rappresentazione giornalistica: il caso de La Stampa, Comunicazionepuntodoc, vol. 4, pp. 281-294
Di Stefano G., Ruvolo R. & Lo Mauro V.(2019), Developing professional identity through group experiential learning: A Group-Analytic experiential training approach for use with postgraduate clinical psychology students , Individuals, Groups and Organisations Volume 25, 2019
Dibattista L. (ed.) (2009), Storia della Scienza e Linguistica Computazionale. Sconfinamenti possibili, Milano, Franco Angeli
Dongwook K., Sungbum K. (2017),The Role of Mobile Technology in Tourism: Patents, Articles, News, and Mobile Tour App Reviews,Sustainability 2017, 9(11), 2082
Dorantes Carrión J.J., Cancino Barffusón S.R., Landa Ruíz M.G. (2021),"Percepción de los estudiantes sobre la homofobia en la Universidad Veracruzana",Journal of Science Communication, Volume 20, 2021, Issue 3, Special Issue
Drutman L., Mahoney C. (2017), On the advantages of a well-constructed lobbying system: toward a more democratic, modern lobbying process, Interest Groups & Advocacy, October 2017, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 290–310
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Esposito G., Freda M.F. (2015), Evaluating training context competence of use: productive and unproductive models of use, Evalutation and Programm Planning, vol. 50, June 2015, pp. 77-87
Falconi S.B., Dias Lopes L.F., da Silva W.V. (2023),Relationship between the family farmers’ entrepreneurial spirit and innovation,The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2023
Fante, C., Ravicchio, F., & Manganello, F. (2024),Navigating the Evolution of Game-Based Educational Approaches in Secondary STEM Education: A Decade of Innovations and Challenges,Preprints 2024, 2024021222
Fantinelli, S., Cortini, M., Di Fiore, T., Iervese, S., Galanti, T. (2024),Bridging the Gap between Theoretical Learning and Practical Application: A Qualitative Study in the Italian Educational Context,Educ. Sci. 2024, 14, 198.
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Fioretti C., Palladino B.E., Nocentini A, Menesini E. (2020),Positive and Negative Experiences of Living in COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of Italian Adolescents’ Narratives,Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 11
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Franceschini C., Fante C., Folli M.C., et al. (2020),Giving a voice to cataplectic experience: recollections from patients with narcolepsy type 1,Journal of , Clinical Sleep Medicine, 2020;16(4):597–603.
Friginal E., Lee J.J., Polat B., Roberson A. (2017), Exploring Learner Talk in English Interviews,In: Exploring Spoken English Learner Language Using Corpora. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Frison D. (2014) The collaborative research: formative effects on educational sciences students' learning, in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 116, February 2014, pp. 4025-4029, 5th World Conference on Educational Sciences, Rome (Italy)
Fronzetti Colladon A., Toschi L., Ughetto E., Greco F. (2023),The language and social behavior of innovators,Journal of Business Research, Vol. 154, 2023
Gaggioli A., Riva G., Milani L., Mazzoni E.(2013), Analyzing the Experience of Networked Flow Through Social Network Analysis, in Gaggioli A., Riva G., Milani L., Mazzoni E. (eds.), Networked Flow - Towards an Understanding of Creative Networks, Springer, pp 71-99
Galanti T. & Cortini, M. (2019), Work as a recovery factor after earthquake: a mixed-method study on female workers, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 28 No. 4, pp. 487-500
Galanti T. (2021),Risk Management and Learning Climate in Emergency Contexts: A Qualitative Study,Sustainability, Volume 13 Issue 10, 2021
Galanti, T., Ferrara, B., Benevene, P., Buonomo, I. (2023),Rethinking the Unthinkable: A Delphi Study on Remote Work during COVID-19 Pandemic,Social Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 9, 2023
Gambetti R.C., Biraghi S., Schultz D.E., Graffigna G. (2015), Brand wars: consumer-brand engagement beyond client-agency fights, Journal of Strategic Marketing, February 2015
Gambetti R.C., Graffigna G. (2010), The concept of engagement. A systematic analysis of the ongoing marketing debate, International Journal of Market Research, vol. 52 no. 6, pp. 801-826.
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